Skapa en imponerande portfolio med bara ett fåtal steg
Visa upp dina bästa arbeten genom att skapa projekt med dina bilder och videor
Stick ut ur mängden med professionellt designade gallerilayouter och avancerade anpassningsverktyg
Få fler leads och möjligheter med avancerad SEO
Skapa din onlineportfolio med Wix banbrytande designfunktioner och professionella verktyg.
Börja med att lägga till bilder och videor i projekt tillsammans med dina erfarenheter, meriter, färdigheter eller andra uppgifter som du vill lägga till.
Bygg en attraktiv portfolio med professionellt designade gallerilayouter och kataloger. Anpassa sedan varje liten detalj så att du får den precis som du vill.
Gruppera dina projekt i samlingar för att hjälpa besökare hitta det de letar efter.
När du väl har kommit igång kan du enkelt uppdatera hela portfolion från översikten.
Oavsett om du är produktdesigner, grafisk designer, digital designer, fotograf, filmskapare, konstnär, modeskapare eller arkitekt kan du skapa en onlineportfolio som på riktigt speglar din talang.
I need helpI would love an option to create an additional portfolio page so I can showcase my work in a different way.
You can create multiple categories and projects within the portfolio app as shown here
If you need additional help or want to share more feature requests, please contact to speak with an agent.
Tack för din feedback
Kellmeyerclare/ Jan 28, 2025
Super LimitedCan only upload images. Useless for those looking to upload PDFs, PowerPoints, or other documents
Hello and thank you for your feedback! We have an open feature request regarding other file types in portfolio. Please vote for that feature here
The more votes it gets, the more likely...
Tack för din feedback
Emadshoora/ Jan 18, 2025
VERY LIMITEDThis app is very limited in terms of layouts and being able to edit sections , image display and text location.
Hello and thank you for your feedback! We do use preset layouts now to ensure that the full portfolio looks professional and cohesive. However, we have some open feature requests regarding moving elements...
Tack för din feedback
Weltonchristopher/ Jan 6, 2025
Frustrating but i might persevere. Some questions / tips...I get the layout needs to be standardised as a compromise versus doing all this from scratch.
But while this app evolves some notes...
1. better explain the hierarchy of 3 layers - I created...
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback. We will take it into serious consideration as we continue to grow and improve. Please note, that you can indeed add your own link or...
Tack för din feedback
Itan150596/ Jan 5, 2025
so confusingJust when I thought I have a grasp on how it works, then something arises that makes me so confused again. I have 3 projects in my portfolio gallery ( example Project A,B,C)...
Hi there, it sounds like the issue is the concept of dynamic pages. The portfolio is built using a dynamic page set up, which means that you design a single page layout that...
Tack för din feedback
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