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Scroll Progress Indicator

Visualize your scroll progress effortlessly
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Översikt för Scroll Progress Indicator

Sync with Page or Specific Elements – The scroll indicator can track the entire page's scroll progress or be linked to a specific scrollable element for more precise control
Customizable Scroll Indicators – Choose between a horizontal/vertical progress bar or a circular progress indicator to match the website’s design and user experience
Dynamic Styling & Customization – Adjust stroke width, colors, direction (left-to-right, top-to-bottom), and visibility settings to fit the website’s style
Automatic Visibility & Interaction – The indicator can be hidden until the user scrolls past the first fold, and it dispatches custom events for developers to trigger actions based on scroll progress
The app provides a visual cue to indicate the user's scroll progress within a page or a specific scrollable element. The indicator can be displayed as either a horizontal/vertical line or a circular progress bar that fills up based on the scroll position. This app is intended for website owners, designers, and developers who want to enhance user experience by visually representing scroll progress. It is particularly useful for: * Blogs and long articles – Showing readers how much content remains. * Content-heavy websites & landing pages – Improving navigation and engagement. * E-commerce stores – Helping users track scrolling through product listings. * Interactive presentations and scrolling experiences – Indicating progression in a structured way. The app also allows scroll syncing with a specific element, not just the entire page, providing additional flexibility.
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