Я предлагаю чуть больше,чем просто сайт.
Я полностью погружаюсь в ваш бизнес,идею - даю советы и рекомендации по улучшению и дальнейшей работе.
Я создаю сайты с нуля, а так же редактирую/переоформляю уже... существующие сайты.
С wix работаю с 2012 года
В моем арсенале:
- опыт
- креатив
- вкус
- общительность
I am completely immersed in your business, idea - I give advice and recommendations for improvement and further work.
I create websites from scratch, as well as edit/re-register existing sites.
I have been working with wix since 2012
In my arsenal:
- experience
- creative
- taste
- sociability
Thrilled with my new website, professional design, e-commerce credit card processing, CMS, I can update the site myself easily, and they all ways respond immediately if I need any help. 100% recommend... working with Radical!
I was amazed by the professional discovery session, they understood our business, quick turn around, complete branding of our tour business, and an amazingly simple, yet professional, one page site, that... converts browsers to customers! I would recommend Radical to any business!
I chose Radical Digital Agency because they have decades of experience spanning macro and micro business cycles.
Very easy to work with, as everything is under one roof: strategy, logo development, website-building,... printed inserts, pocket-folders, and digital promos.
My business saw immediate results!
I could not be happier!!