ふんさいでざいん.@さかもと_迅速対応_Wix Legend
ふんさいでざいん.@さかもと_迅速対応_Wix Legend

färdiga projekt

26, JP
日本語, English

Om ふんさいでざいん.@さかもと_迅速対応_Wix Legend

はじめまして! この度は当プロフィールをご覧頂きありがとうございます! 京都市西京区桂(桂離宮の近所です)にてWixクリエイターレベル最高位 "レジェンド" としてホームページ制作や販促品のデザインをさせていただいております "ふんさいでざいん." と申します!モットーは "高品質・低価格・迅速対応" です! 私が販売しているサービスはWIX・WIX STUDIOを使ったホームページ制作 / LP制作・お名刺制作・チラシ・フライヤー制作・ロゴ制作です。 特に、飲食店やサロンなどの個人店様や中小企業のお客様や 新しいビジネスのスタートアップ時にオススメしたい 「安い・早い・高品質」が売りのホームページの販売です。 「格安で高品質!やばい!」 とか 「むちゃくちゃレスポンス早い!やばい!」 と思っていただけるように仕事をしています。 仕事を受ける上で特に意識してるのが以下の3点になります! ①納期厳守! ②迅速対応! ③納品まで責任を持って取り組む! それでは簡単に私のできることを記載しておきます。 ◆できること ・個人店のホームページ制作... (WIX・WIX STUDIO) ・企業のホームページ制作 (同上) ・LP(ランディングページ)制作 (同上) ・ECサイト制作 (同上) ・Webデザイン (XD、Photoshop) ・チラシ・フライヤーデザイン (Photoshop、Illusutrator) ・ロゴデザイン (同上) ・名刺・ショップカードデザイン (同上) 紙媒体は出力までご対応させていただきますのでお気軽にご相談ください! ◆返信可能な時間帯 いつでもOK! ◆私に関して 私は主に個人店様向けのホームページ制作や、イベントフライヤーなどのデザインを行なっております。独立して9年目となります。 私はかつて独立前、とある制作業者として企業展示会のブースデザインや関わる販促品のデザイン全般に携わってきました。多くの出展企業様と関わっていく中で、個人でお金を稼いでいきたいという気持ちが強くなりそれまでのグラフィック制作のスキル向上に加えてweb制作を学びました。 独立する際に、かねてよりお付き合いいただいていたサロンのオーナーよりホームページ制作のご依頼をいただきました。1ミリの妥協も許さず寝る時間も惜しんでひたすらに向き合って制作させていただいたんですが、その甲斐あってご納品の際にオーナーご夫婦が涙を流しながら喜んでくださって私も心から嬉しかったです。 その経験からサロンや飲食店、個人店や中小企業、新しいビジネスのスタートアップ時のホームページ制作などで、ぜひ力になりたいと考えています。 ご依頼いただいた際は、必ずお客様の期待以上のものをご提供させていただくことをお約束させていただきます。 まずは、お気軽にご相談・お問い合わせをお待ちしております!
Jobbar på:

Tjänster som erbjuds
SEO-tjänsterSkriftligt innehållButiksoptimeringVarumärkesutvecklingBildredigeringFlytta hemsidaMobil hemsidaKlassisk webbdesignFacebook-pixelAvancerad webbdesignGoogle AnalyticsHandledningSiduppdateringarInstallera apparButiksinställningarDomänanslutning

Tjänster och priser

Webbdesign (5)

Mindre uppgifter (8)

Webshop (4)

Reklam och marknadsföring (2)

Grafisk formgivning (4)

Klassisk webbdesign

Få en grundläggande hemsida med ett tema.
Från 281 $

Avancerad webbdesign

Få en hemsida med anpassade visuella element, avancerade funktioner och mycket mer.
Från 562 $

Designa om hemsida

Få ett nytt tema och en ny design till din hemsida.
Från 281 $

Flytta hemsida

Använd befintlig grafik och befintligt innehåll på en ny Wix-hemsida.
Från 281 $

Mobil hemsida

Få en hemsida anpassad till mobila enheter.
Från 281 $

Omdömen (39)

 / 5

7 nov. 2023

Visa projekt
Working with Charisse is as easy as it can be. She’s an expert at what she does and will accommodate all your ideas and plans into something much better than you’d have imagined. Besides her expertise... and professionalism, she’s such a fun person, full of energy and charisma. Charisse, it was a pleasure working with you! Thanks for turning our dream into reality.

Jerreta Hartfield

22 apr. 2023

Visa projekt
I love the final product. I am even more confident to move forward with promoting my business. Professional and easy to work with! Highly recommend....
Anlitad för: Anpassad logga

Nikki Winters

14 mars 2023

Visa projekt
After months of work and multiple designers, Charisse delivered my vision after one conversation! She listens to your vision and delivers past your expectations. I would highly recommend Charisse for anyone... looking to build a professional website. To top it off, she is a delight to work with!
Anlitad för: E-handelssida


22 feb. 2023

Visa projekt
Charisse is the best. She listened and was able to create my website (my vision) better than I could imagine. Charisse's creativity and knowledge is outstanding. Her patience and clear explanations are... an added bonus. I highly recommend Charisse Collette and WIX to create a website, brand and logo for your business. Contact Charisse. She is a valuable asset to your business. She will help you stand out and succeed. Cynthia The Pawfect Coach
Anlitad för: Avancerad webbdesign


3 feb. 2023

Visa projekt
Where do I begin?! As someone who lacks techsaviness, I was helped by one incredibly talented gal. Charisse not only created a beautiful website for my new business, but was kind and caring through the... process. Venturing off to begin your new career is daunting as it is, but having a gifted and understanding person helping through it all could not have come from a better individual. I highly recommend Charisse for all your website and logo needs!
Anlitad för: Klassisk webbdesign

Kathy Kramer

5 juli 2022

Visa projekt
Working with Collette was easy and she understood exactly what I wanted and needed and put together several options of my brand for me to choose from and it was a hard decision with all the choices being... great ones. The website she created and taught me how to use has been great! Collette was very responsive and was really fast. I definitely recommend working with her if you have a chance.
Anlitad för: Avancerad webbdesign

Jayme Anne Goldberg

2 juni 2022

Visa projekt
Charisse Collette's talent and professionalism are exceptional. She also has the rare qualities of also being an incredible listener and communicator. The initial steps that she had us complete to convey... our needs and vision for a new logo was straightforward and easy. With the information that my company provided and with a few highly collaborative conversations, she perfectly captured our brand energy and vision. She translated our dream into design. We are fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Charisse Collette on this project and cannot wait to work with her again. Highest recommendations - 10+ out of 5 stars.
Anlitad för: Anpassad logga


10 apr. 2022

Visa projekt
Was very timely with her work. Very professional with her business. Would recommend and do business with her again...
Anlitad för: Anpassad logga

Marvelyn Tiziani

21 mars 2022

Visa projekt
100% recommend!! She made my logo, website, business cards, and brochures! I could not be anymore grateful for the work she did and how everything came out!! She took my ideas and vision and made it more... amazing than I ever imagined!!
Anlitad för: Anpassad logga


26 feb. 2022

Visa projekt
What a blessing Charisse must be to the Wix Marketplace team! Charisse gave me more than I could have even asked for after finding her on a simple google search amongst 1k's of others out there. She was... patient, kind, and listened humbly to my creative design process and the meaning behind the project; it was critical to the finished product. One most important piece, I wanted to support a woman-owned business that showed compassion for my position-I am a blind customer and needed her help to guide me through the process. She is compassionate, caring, and a joy to talk with. I wish her the very best and you will not be disappointed with her work and professionalism. Charisse nailed my end product actively listening to my requirements and needs for the project. I will be using her for my website as well, can't wait to see the magic she does with that project! Be well!
Anlitad för: Anpassad logga

Mike Armstrong CPDT-KA

16 feb. 2022

Visa projekt
Charisse is fantastic! Her design work is eye-catching, delivered our website very quickly, and made sure we had everything we needed on launch date. She even called after the launch to ensure everything... was running smoothly. She is top-notch!!!
Anlitad för: Anpassad logga

Chernique Williams

18 jan. 2022

Visa projekt
She was AWESOME she really listens to what you want and her recommendations are amazing. Can't wait to work with her again. Totally brought new life to my outdated website www.chernique.org...
Anlitad för: Siduppdateringar